Read about my media analysis of RAIX/Zine Reproductive Justice en la Frontera, Vol. 1, Issue 2 from POC Zine Project.
"Raix" Vol.1, Issue 2 Zine Cover via POC Zine Project
What is the context in which this piece was created? Think not just about the historical moment, but also about the people who made it, what motivated them, where they accessed funding/support, what political goals lay behind its creation, etc.
For my media analysis, I have chosen the zine Raix released in October 2015 by a group of Rio Grande Valley activists in collaboration with the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund and La Frontera Fund. The zine explores intersections between art and activism to uplift and challenge narratives about gender, queer identities, reproductive justice, and border communities. I read Volume 1, Issue 2, titled as "Reproductive Justice en La Frontera" which discusses the social justice movement of reproductive justice from the borderlands within the Rio Grande Valley community of South Texas. Due to its digital medium, the issue is interactive and provides an introduction to reproductive justice with a borderlands lense and includes original art and poetry by RGV artists and activists. It also offers educational concepts and facts as well as an insightful narrative. Raix dedicates its works to the people of RGV and serves to provide a safe space for their community to share their stories.
What kind of social change is this piece arguing for or contributing to? How does it go about articulating that need for social change? Is it a direct statement, or implicit?
This particular zine serves to inform, educate, and advocate for reproductive justice, specifically for marginalized populations like BIPOC, the Queer community, and those who may not have the same level of access to resources and education. It engages audiences through informative and interactive media like videos, entertaining literature like poetry, and unique artwork from local activists. The zine articulates the need for social change by focusing on the scale of the issue and highlighting reproductive justice as a civil and human right that should be as easily accessible as healthcare (which should include reproductive health). Raix makes a direct statement as it draws a very strong sentiment towards this issue and highlights the actionable outcomes of the initiatives such as responsible organizations, movements, and events that advocate for reproductive justice. Lastly, the zine excels in engaging with audiences to participate in the movement by inviting creators to contribute. The zine contains explicit calls to action that encourages even you as the reader to understand yourself and participate. Overall, the zine encourages others to take action to challenge the status quo.
Why was this piece created in this medium? How does it take advantage of the specific characteristics of this medium?
Since the zine focuses on quite a dense intersectional topic, the digital medium allows the zine to link outside sources for readers to explore the issue in greater depth. The zine includes interactive images, videos, and even links to theoretical concepts for readers to engage with from any device which can allow a deeper connection to the topic. This platform is also cost effective and can be readily shared through social media and other channels in order to reach and educate a larger audience.
Identify one interesting feature of how this piece of media was published that you could draw on or be inspired by in your own future creations.
One interesting feature that I really enjoyed was the amazing artwork that was featured in the zine. The art is submitted by local artists from the RGV community which makes this zine one that is inclusive and considerate of their communities. The artworks themselves were really intriguing and inviting; some of which had me thinking deeper into the meaning. The art challenged dominant narratives which definitely aligned with culture jamming. I also loved that the zine was educational and mentioned a lot of concepts that I learned during my first few years of university. The zine does a good job at briefly describing and explaining these concepts with clarity to cater to those who may not have a post-secondary background. Overall, the zine's simplicity and consideration for their audience is something I truly appreciate.
Do you think this publishing medium is appropriate to the social change goals of the creator? Why or why not?
Yes, the publishing medium is appropriate for the social change goals of the creator. As mentioned, the digital platform makes it easily shareable to spread the message of reproductive justice. And the way it was created and written accomplished its goals of inviting audiences to participate, informing readers, and advocating for reproductive justice. I look forward to reading more issues from Raix zine.
Fantastic! As usual!