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Self-Reflection #2

Here is my 2nd self-reflection for the course, PUB 448.

Summarize what work you have done in this course so far, including portfolio set-up, self-reflections, your self-portrait in media consumption, reading reflections, object analyses. So far in this course, I have completed a self-portrait in media consumption, 1 self-reflection, 1 creative output of a poster, 2 reading analyses, and 2 media analyses. I have been able to complete every assignment on time and hope to continue to do so until the end of the term.

Where do you think you’re excelling in this course? Where would you like to improve? I am excelling in understanding the concepts we are learning and completing every assignment so far. I really love the engagement that takes place in the course which has made it quite easy and enjoyable to do some of the assignments and participate in group work. I would like to continue to improve on sharing my thoughts and opinions to the class discussions as well as continue my track record of completing assignments on time. What skills/resources are you drawing on in the areas where you’re succeeding? I have learned how to apply the concepts and conversations discussed in class to my own understanding, thus making it easier to form my thoughts on the readings, my reflections on the mediums, and my ideas for my creative output. The class discussions has enabled me to think deeper about the social change I want to make and how mediums can accomplish that. I am quite an over-thinker which I always thought was a negative thing; yet, I realized through this class that being an over-thinker allows me to dive deeper into each topic and concept that we learn. I never realized how I could use that trait of mine to my advantage; although, it seems to be working out well for me in this course. I also enjoy the group work and the short group presentations that we do as it gives us a chance to interact with our peers (something that I definitely missed) effectively and meet new people.

What barriers or challenges are you encountering in the areas you would like to improve? When I meet people in a class, I tend to be quite shy at first and would rarely raise my hand or volunteer to speak. So when I first came to this class, the thought of discussing with peers in groups and presenting to the class made me a bit nervous. And while I've improved on talking amongst my peers, I do still feel a bit hesitant to share my thoughts to the whole class. I sometimes fear that my thoughts and opinions won't come across as valid or won't make sense to others which hinders me from saying anything. It definitely takes me a while to get comfortable to want to start speaking up.

What can you do to address these barriers/challenges? (Be specific!) Despite these fears, I believe that I have already started to address these challenges. I've started volunteering to speak in behalf of the group during class discussions as well as began reminding myself that my opinions are valid. The class is also very open and each peer that I've met was always been friendly; therefore, I want to start ingraining the idea in my head that no one will judge what I say. In fact, by participating in the discussions, I am further engaging with the course thus giving me the benefit of gaining a better understanding of the course topics.

What can I do to help you address these barriers/challenges?

Hannah has been such a wonderful and supportive professor. I love the openness and the flexibility she has. I also love that she's embedded self-reflections and check-ins throughout the course which really shows that she cares for the students. So, I don't have much feedback other than to continue what she is doing with the class as it has been a really good experience for me so far.

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1 Comment

Hannah McGregor
Hannah McGregor
Mar 03, 2022

Thanks so much for this thoughtful self-reflection, Shar! You've absolutely been a rockstar through this course so far, staying on top of the assignments and consistently sharing interesting, nuanced, and original work. I know for a lot of students speaking up in class feels totally overwhelming, and I'm glad to hear that you're taking advantage of the small group discussions and volunteering to be the person who reports out. Keep up the excellent work!

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